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Integrated Tactical Communications

Decades of experience delivering integrated communications, networking radio solutions using advanced waveforms

Today’s fighting forces need to be highly mobile and connected while maintaining continuous 360⁰ battlespace awareness at all times. Ultra I&C is transforming traditional static radio networking into dynamic, range-extended, and expeditionary networks with high-capacity links. Ultimately providing interoperability between edge networks and the Upper Tactical Tier (UTT). Watch this quick video to learn more.

Unparalleled efficiency and mobility

Ultra I&C’s ORION solutions for the tactical edge incorporate unique and highly advanced waveform technology to unify the network. The system is designed to serve as a mobile command post radio that bridges the Upper Tactical Tier (UTT) and lower-tactical tier (LTT). The ORION tactical edge systems provide tremendous advantage to the network architecture by creating a “mobile extension” of the UTT, while maintaining interoperability with backhaul networks. Ultra I&C’s ORION small form factor solutions are ideal for tactical command posts—in one place or on-the-move.

High agility and resilience

Spectrum agility refers to the ability of the radio to be able to pick the best waveform for the application on its own, both quickly and effectively, due to congested or contested radio interference. Network resiliency is the ability of the radio to protect against advanced near-peer threats, including jamming or spoofing. Ultra I&C’s waveform technologies excel on both fronts by providing highly flexible, concurrent waveforms including high-performing mesh, foliage-penetrating mesh and fast-hopping adaptive ECCM. This unique family of waveforms ensures transport efficiency, resiliency and interoperability throughout the network irrespective of the deployment scenario.

Further long-range visibility

The use of Vertical Height Antennas (VHAs)—tethered drones with radio capabilities—provide significant tactical communications advantages. VHAs provide aerial-extension connectivity when natural or man-made obstacles prevent the reliable use of Line-of-Sight (LOS) communications. They provide a reliable and secure broadband connectivity overlay over wide operational areas (up to 90 miles). VHAs can also serve to extend the upper tactical tier to near-beyond-line-of-sight, reducing SATCOM cost and operational SATCOM dependencies in satellite-degraded or denied conditions. VHAs can extend much higher than a typical mast and can be deployed quickly.

Easy-to-use systems and solutions

Sharing in the same design approach, manufacturing quality, and supply chain, Ultra I&C’s solutions offer commonality that not only benefits the warfighter in the field, but also provides simplified maintenance and repair with reduced lifecycle costs. For the warfighter, commonality of systems offers greater ease-of-use through a single-user interface and experience. The training burden is significantly reduced. Common waveforms across all radio platforms reduces the need for additional systems and third-party solutions. 

Future-proof tactical communications

How has Ultra Intelligence and Communications stayed ahead of the technology curve for decades? We continuously improve our offering by integrating more capability into smaller form factors, invest in advanced AI technologies, develop new waveforms, and look at innovative ways our solutions can be deployed to connect the unified battlespace and ensure information advantage. 

Other Ultra I&C solutions

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