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Ultra supporting Make-a-Wish Foundation UK

August 11 2020

Ultra has donated £10,000 from its COVID-19 Fund to help the charity continue its work during the pandemic - while also supporting aerospace related wishes.

Make-a-wish Foundation is a locally nominated charity for Ultra’s Cheltenham site. The charity's mission is to grant wishes and bring happiness to children with critical illnesses.

Make-a-wish has been significantly impacted by COVID-19 with a reduction in donations and it has had to make major changes to survive, including reducing its employee headcount by almost half.

A direct result of COVID-19 is that there are currently over 2000 'wishes' outstanding from critically ill children that may never be granted.

Ultra’s team has been engaged with the charity by offering support, sharing ideas including help with risk assessments regarding working in the COVID-19 pandemic and actively supporting them to return to their office in a COVID safe environment.

The donation was used to purchase sanitation stations, bottles of anti-bacterial sprays/hand washes/gels, surface wipes, facemasks, as well as to increase cleaning shifts in the charity's office throughout the day. The donation also contributed to cleaning equipment, visual management, signage and protection screens - all of which allowed the charity to get back to granting those important wishes.

For more information and for ways to get involved, please see: https://www.make-a-wish.org.uk/news/july-update-on-covid-19/

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