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Ultra supporting Chance UK

July 09 2020

Ultra prides itself on innovation - it is so important to the organisation that it is a core value. As disadvantaged children were in need of help, support and mentoring using virtual communications Ultra donated £1,500 to Chance UK provide Amazon Fire Kids Edition tablet devices so that c.23 children without access to a computer or a tablet could benefit from life-changing one-to-one mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chance UK is an early-intervention charity that supports children aged 5-13 years with behavioural and emotional difficulties. Through intensive one-to-one mentoring and family support, they empower children to grow their resilience and self-esteem, better regulate their emotions, and make better choices about their behaviours.

Their services rely on the ability to develop strong, positive relationships, and have traditionally been delivered face-to-face. Due to COVID-19 all face-to-face interactions ceased in March and they had to swiftly revise their delivery model to provide services remotely wherever possible, using digital platforms like WhatsApp and Zoom. However, not all Chance UK families had the resources to enable their child to benefit fully from their remote service offer.

The digital platform opened up new creative opportunities during sessions, which the children are enjoying immensely.

For more information, please see the website: https://www.chanceuk.com/

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