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Ultra Specialist RF gets creative with VetDogs fundraiser

February 14 2022

As September is Insider Threat Awareness month, the Ultra Specialist RF Security Team decided to take this National Classification Management Society (NCMS) topic and make it into a fundraiser. They created BINGO sheets utilizing familiar and relevant Insider Threat words.

They called out words daily by announcing the word and definition over the facility PA system. Every employee was given an initial free card and then given the opportunity to purchase additional cards, with the funds raised designated for the American VetDogs campaign. The Security team raised $500 among three Specialist RF facilities in Lancaster, PA; Woburn, MA; and Whippany, NJ. An additional contribution was also made to the campaign when a company golf team won a local golf tournament and donated their winnings to the campaign, bringing the total funds raised to $800.

With the help of our Matched Funding program, they pulled together an overall donation of $1600 for America’s VetDogs.

This was a win for everyone involved! Specialist RF took some necessary and important training and turned it into a fun event which promoted team morale AND ultimately helped our veterans by supporting America’s VetDogs and their efforts to train and provide guide dogs to veterans in need.​​​​​​​

KUDOS to Roxann for coordinating these efforts, with support from her fellow Security team, and NCMS members: DeeAnna Sousa, Jen Poussard, Maggie Wapinska, and Tammy Boston for another great example of NCMS members making a difference!

'Thank you' from America's VetDogs


"I hope this message finds you and your family well. Thank you for your support and on behalf of every individual who has received a service dog, thank you for all that you do for us!  As America’s VetDogs continue to welcome our students back on campus in a safe manner, we wanted to pass along an update on the exciting progress we have made in getting back to our mission. 

Last fiscal year, despite the challenges we faced, we were able to graduate the second highest number of guide and service dog teams in our history – 135! Thanks to your generosity, veterans, first responders, and individuals with low vision or other disabilities now live with increased self-reliance and independence. 

Your gifts has allowed America’s VetDogs help veteran Douglas and his new service dog Lynn live life with independence (see the video above)

As classes return to their regular size and we greet our students back to our campus, the demand for assistance dogs continues to grow. We estimate that the cost to breed, train and place a guide or service dog is in excess of $50,000 per team. All our services are provided free of charge to our students. Your gift will be put to work immediately.  We simply can’t do it without you."

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