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Fully configurable covert data link
Our High Integrity Data Link (HIDL™) is a data-agnostic, ITAR-free fully configurable covert data link. Its unique LPI / LPD and anti-jam waveform properties provide inherent TRANSEC and are field-proven in contested GPS-denied environments, providing the basis of STANAG 4660. HIDL is used for the secure command and control of multiple UAS’, has provided C2 and Full Motion Video on a loitering munition platform and is also used to provide synthetic data to multiple training aircraft simultaneously.
HIDL is proven on jet trainers and Watchkeeper, with an optional high-grade COMSEC overlay.
Securely transmit and receive intelligence
dVDL is a secure, digital, ROVER™ compatible data link for the Litening pod family of targeting pods. The system provides the capability to securely transmit and receive Litening pod imagery/data to ROVER™ video terminals. This is especially critical during Close Air Support missions, Special Forces missions and a wide variety of other situational awareness tasks. Available as either a downlink only or optionally as a transceiver, dVDL is AES256 encrypted and is compatible with all variants of the widely used ROVER*™ ground receive video units.
ROVER is a registered trademark of L3Harris Technologies, Inc.
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